Whistleblowing policy
To manage GARO in a sustainable way we must apply a long-term solution. We are determined to detect and deal with serious irregularities that concern the company and that can seriously harm the business or our employees as fast as possible.
To simplify the process of reporting something that goes against ruling legislation, ethics, morals or the policy of GARO, we have adopted a Whistleblowing system. With this system, employees and business partners can report this kind of information and simultaneously be guaranteed total secrecy. All reports are received and investigated by an external party.
You can file your report through the following channels:
Webpage: wb.2secure.se
where you use the company code: ndo150 to gain access to our Whistleblowing page.
E-mail: wb@2secure.se
Postal address: 2Secure, Box 34037, SE100 26 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone number: (+46)0771-77 99 77.
Our external and independent whistleblowing partner is available weekdays from 8 am to 4.30 pm. They can handle cases in both Swedish and English. Personal data is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
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