GARO’s 2024
2024 was an eventful year for GARO, with several innovative product launches, new certifications and a greater international market presence. With a clear focus on safety and sustainability, GARO is now setting its sights on 2025, ready to continue contributing to the green transition, the development of future charging infrastructure and the electrification of society.

It’s time to look back on 2024 and summarise the events that shaped GARO’s year. It’s been a challenging one, especially for the GARO E-mobility business area, which required measures, adaptation and organisational restructuring to meet prevailing market conditions. Parallel to this, the year has also been marked by innovation and expansion, with key product launches and new certifications strengthening our position in both our business areas, GARO Electrification and GARO E-mobility. This year’s product releases included the new GARO Entity Home wallbox, the RAPID 60 kW fast charger and the LS4 Paystation. GARO even launched a new residual current device (RCD) and a new cable cabinet for lighting and distribution during the year.
The GARO Entity Compact and GARO Entity Home wallboxes have been third-party tested and CB certified, meaning that all wallboxes in the GARO Entity product series are now certified. GARO Entity Pro was already certified. In terms of safety, this makes these wallboxes completely unique in the market, providing end users, customers and electricians with a dependable guarantee that the products are safe and meet the international charging standard.
The year also saw GARO decide to intensify its marketing initiatives in Germany. As part of these efforts, the GARO Entity Pro wallbox was certified compliant with the Eichrecht standard, making it available for sale in the German market for semi-public and public charging. The further development of GARO Entity Pro broadens our position and paves the way for more growth opportunities for GARO E-mobility. This development also enables us to meet the demand from companies, housing cooperatives and commercial properties while strengthening our product portfolio for destination charging in the German market. In conjunction with this, we’ve also had our factory in Poland certified compliant with the Eichrecht requirements for production, calibration and internal quality control. This means that we can now calibrate our charging stations inhouse within production, creating an effective and sustainable value chain without the need for external parties.
Towards the end of the year, GARO also recruited Jonas Klarén to take the helm as our new President and CEO as of 13 January 2025. Thanks to his extensive experience and strong leadership skills, Jonas is well positioned to take GARO to the next level and create profitable growth in both of the Group’s business areas. We look forward to continuing our journey together with Jonas.
Former President and CEO Patrik Andersson, who’s been in the role since 2019, has contributed tremendously to GARO’s success and development in recent years. GARO would like to express its immense gratitude to Patrik for his invaluable efforts and commitment, which have laid the foundation for continued growth and development.
As 2024 comes to a close, we can look back on significant milestones and progress in several areas. Now we’re looking to the future and preparing for an exciting 2025, a year in which we intend to continue developing our operations and keep the green transition rolling.